Friday, October 24, 2008

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman 02
Originally uploaded by bbaltimore
So, it's all been decided and the Art Center has its departmental theme for Halloween. I'm going along with everything as it all sounds like a lot of fun. This the first time I have ever dressed up for work and only the 2nd time I've ever dressed up for Halloween.

As a child I never celebrated Halloween. I was brought up knowing the pagan origins of the holiday and as such attended several church sponsored Halloween alternatives. Now as an adult, I feel conflicted as I know that most people use this day as a means of dress up and fun, but there are still the spiritual implications of the day.

Despite all this I had agreed to participate in the work event. If it was not for this scheduled competition I would not have even considered buying a costume for this day. I will not be attending any parties and thus have no reason to dress up. When originally planning the theme for our department, I had suggested Super Heroes. With this theme I would dress up as Wonder Woman.

This morning we had a departmental meeting to discuss the theme. The Super Hero theme was dropped in favor of something else.

It does make me a little sad because I started looking forwards to dressing up as Wonder Woman. There are many times when I wish I could be a super hero. As a super hero I would be able to solve all the problems of the people that I care about. My friends my family, myself.

I know that dressing up as Wonder Woman would not magically give me super powers, but it would have been nice. A part of me could have pretended that this was the case.

However, I'll go along with the agreed plan. Not as great as super heroes, but it should be fine.


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