Thursday, October 23, 2008

Driving Me Mad: Part 1

I left my apartment at the same time that I usually do every weekday morning. However, I was late by a whole 4 minutes. 4 minutes may not seem like a lot but because of the time clock system that we have, 4 minutes means .25 hours off your paycheck.

In any case there were all these people on the road, who do not know how to drive and they were the reason I was late. It's people like them that make me long for better public transportation. Then I could just sit back and read Blackwood Farm instead of trying to get to work on time.

Here I have compiled a list of some of my biggest driving annoyances:

Imaginary Stop Signs

Residential neighborhoods have stop signs at intersections sometimes there are 2 way stops, sometimes there are 4. I hate when there are NO stop signs and yet a driver stops and waits as if something is suppose to happen! THERE IS NO STOP SIGN KEEP MOVING.

Multiple Lane Drivers

There are these dashes on the road. They seperate lanes. You are only to drive in one lane at a time. I hate it when some decide to straddle the lanes. Honestly, if you can't figure out that you are suppose to be IN BETWEEN THE LINES how did you get your driver's license?

Another thing that some drivers like to do is to sloooooowly change lanes. By doing this they end up sitting in 2 lanes. Again ONE LANE PER CAR!

Chronic Braker

Just becasue a leaf falls does not mean you have to hit your brakes. You cannot drive around raindrops, or the fog. Ease off the brake!

Create My Own Kids Zone

I pass 2 school zones on my way to work. One is right by my apartment and the other is on 7th street. There are areas where parents can drop off their kids and go on their merry ways. Sometimes there are long lines to drop off your kids. That's sad. However, that does not mean you have the right to stop in the middle of the street and let your kids out. Now you're holding up traffic for all us regular people trying to get to work!

Cut Off and Slow Down

So I'm driving along and someone decides to cut me off. Fine. There's nothing I can do. You've already cut me off. But when someone cuts me off and then slams their brakes and proceed to drive slow....they have issues! If you wanted to drive slow then don't cut me off!!!

Just thinking about these is making me angry. Be on the look out for Part 2!


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