Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sick Day #9

if we count sheep
Originally uploaded by TamJ
There was the bladder infection, the viral infection, sore throat, fever, muscle aches, acid indigestion and for the past 2 days add migraines to that growing list of ailments that has plagued me. One of the reasons why I have had such a hard time recuperating is the lack of sleep. Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of time to sleep but I have reached that point once again.

I mumble template ids in my sleep and dream of that certification machine. Franchise numbers drift in and out of my thoughts and I* am constantly questioning the AdEase status of clients.

Yes, this has happened to me before; once upon at time at AT&T. Now it's happening again and it only means one thing...

This is why despite the increasing pain caused by the computer, I'm still online. I'm searching.


1 comment:

Megan said...

I feel for you! I was freaking out over the weekend about it all and I was only able to push it into another area of my head and not completely out of it. It stinks here without you!