Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Over Orange Chicken (Who Knew?)

True to my word, I took Megan out to lunch today. We went for Chinese food and as we waited for more fried rice to be cooked we watched the Inauguration parade in Washington on the big CRT tv. (No plasma screen at Panda House)

Since we're both worldly in the sense that we would have paid attention to the inauguration no matter who was being sworn in, we watched/listened to the inauguration while processing ads in the morning. After getting our lunch we settled into seats on the other side of the tv (its not that momentous to watch big black limousines coming down the street, thats just another day in Hollywood) and began conversing about Obama and life in general. Here are a few snippets that I thought were classic:

Megan: Want to here something funny? I saw Obama on tv yesterday painting and my first thought was, shouldn't he have someone doing that for him? Like does he seriously have to paint the White House himself?

Me: Laughing


Non-White Me: Do you know what I mean when I say that Joe Biden looks like one of those whitey white guys?

White Megan: Uhhhhhh. Yeah. He's kinda pasty...Like one of those guys who you wouldn't think to have friends outside his race?

Non-White Me: Yeah, and then you see him hug Obama and it's kinda like awwwww.

White Megan: Well, atleast he doesn't shudder anymore everytime he hugs him. I mean he looks like the type of guy who shuddered in the past everytime he had to hug him.

So these conversations went on for a while. After lunch Keoni had to add a server to our Macs. That's when Megan pointed out that I lost the server because I hit the eject button on my computer. I kindly pointed out that the icon looked like an up button, not an eject button.

(What can I say? I'm a PC girl in a MAC world)

Everyone laughed.

To which I told them the story of how Megan thought Obama was painting the White House.

Later I sang Under the Sea and the theme song to Threes Company. Why? Because they were stuck in my head and I felt the need to share my thougths with my coworkers.

These people know they missed me :)


1 comment:

Megan said...

Ya know, I lived through these conversations and this still had me laughing.