Thursday, December 6, 2007


Don't worry. I'm not going to go go through everything that has happened since my last blog. Mostly just from last week.

Saturday was another day in SD. Taking care of things for my parents, and did a little pre-holiday shopping which means that I bought absolutely nothing. Paycheck this week went to rent and all those little things.

Sunday I left SD and came back to Long Beach. Sleep is always nice.

Monday I went to work as usual and the craziness ensues as I continue the transition from Excel spreadsheets to a new online billing program that we are using. I know thats just loads of fun for the taking. I also went out to dinner with Alf and Oscar. We went to Seafood Port which I haven't been too in awhile. So after the Hong Kong Style House Special Chow Mein and the Salt and Pepper Fish it was back home with a pit stop at Big Lots to buy this blanket I have been dreaming of. Yes, I know. Kinda lame to be dreaming of a blanket but if you saw it you would be dreaming of it too.

One great thing about Monday is that I was able to talk to my friend Kindra once again. It has been years since I had heard from my sister in Christ. Shes still in Nashville but when she comes back to Long Beach then we have to get together and catch up.

Speaking of people I have to catch up with...

There was an instance from dinner that bugged me, but that will have to go into the blurty blog. Never know whose reading this thing.

Tuesday: I went to Target after work. Bought some great things, spent more money than I needed. I also went and got part of Johanna's goodie bag and Amanda's package. Possible puppy search on Sat? Ahhhhh! I'm suppose to be going to Disney. We'll see how that works.

Wednesday I tried to take care of somethings for my parents here. The person I had to talk to was so freaking rude that I was left in this melodramatic state for the rest of the day. I just felt all anxious and blah for the rest of the night. All these things I was planning to do last night (including chat with Amanda sorry dear) but instead I fell asleep.

So thats a recap of my week thus far. Right now I'm really chill because I was able to get alot done here at work. Plus, I just repositioned my computer so I can do things like update my blog and not have to worry about the company VPs walking by and seeing how hard I am working :)
Tonight I am off to church and maybe more reading. Thats all for now.


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