Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Change In Pace

Work was rather slow today. So instead of falling asleep I decided to do some career research. Lately I have been bouncing around the idea of maybe going back to the business thing. So I began to investigate what steps would be necessary to walk in that direction.

At first some things looked promising. The business experience, the requirement for a strong and stable work history, and so on. However, then things began to look a little discoraging as begining jobs required employees to not have a second job and very little starting pay.

This whole get a career thing is stressful. I mean its what thing to have a job, but its quite another thing to have a career. They didn't tell us about all this when we were in grade school. All they told us was to stay in school and to say no to drugs and always do the right thing. But when looking at some of the most successful people, we see that school is not always necessary and (Bill Gates:College Dropout) drugs do not neccessarily mean instant failure (Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World & Lewis Carroll wrote Into The Looking Glass- Both drug users. ) and that doing the right thing is a matter of opinon (Enron ) and may not neccesarrily mean the end of your success (Martha Stewart)

I'm not saying those were the wrong lessons to be taught. I'm just saying that it would have been more helpful if there was more real world advice and tips and a roadmap. Want to be a doctor? Do step 1-10. But instead we're fed this blanket map of basic stay in school blah blah

More later. I have to go. Defintely look for entry part 2!!


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