Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Some time ago, I had seen a movie for sale at WalMart. The synopsis on the box sounded so interesting that i seriously considered buying the movie till my frugal side kicked in and I put the DVD down. However, I was so hooked I decided to look up a spoiler online and find out what happened. Months later and I found the movie in a local redbox. $1 for a movie sounded alot better than the $7 price on the sticker at WalMart.

Having read the spoiler; I knew the point to the story and was intent on following till the end. What I didn't count on was how important it was that I had rear a spoiler. The plot limped along to the big reveal at the end that felt very anticlimatic as the last Arcangel of light battled the remaing Arc of the fallen.

Had I not read the spoiler I would have had much trouble following this movie to the end. The big reveal was my main motivation for following this shadowy symbolism of good versus evils in a world of dispair. Yet, the reveal was not as exciting as I had imagined. The intent of this movie was great philosophically speaking but there was alot lacking in the execution.

In short, I'm very glad I Redboxed this film. Otherwise, I would have been out $7 along with the 2 hours of my life I lost.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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