Monday, January 2, 2012

Plans for the New Year

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot..."

Another year and already my social media timelines are littered with the usual resolutions and commitments to the loss of weight, spiritual renewal, and desire to live. "This is the year I do ..." almost every person has them. Resolutions, goals, aspirations: one friend even went so far to say that any resolution that she did not like she could give up as Lent in February.
In any case, New Year's resolutions had been given a bad rep due to the expectation of failure. However, almost every successful person (and professor in my business class) advocates the utilization of goal setting. Goal setting allows for benchmarks of success. Yet, what good are goals that we feel easily can be abandoned at whim?

I have several goals this year some more cemented than others. Theres the usual weight loss and exercise which has already been delayed due this horrible flu that I am still battling. Graduation is due this spring, preparation for the GMAT and subsequently grad school. Travel, read, write, travel, read write and along the way take lots of photos.

After the work I completed this past November for National Novel Writing Month, I am more determined than ever that this be the year that I truly dedicate more time and energy to the craft of writing. One element of this goal is to become more connected to other writers and tuned into the writing community. Another aspect of this goal is to begin soft marketing to ensure that any published work will have a initial fan based.

Yes, I am a business student after all.

Despite being sick I have made a few small steps in ensuring that I can reach these goals. One step is by connecting with others on the literary social site known as Goodreads. Created in October of 2010, my Goodreads account sat with very little activity and only one friend. Today, I have included books from my bookshelf and requested friends from my twitter account.

A few weeks ago, I finally created an author fan page on Facebook. Not much activity there due to the same illness that has me out for most of these days but it is a start (PREPARE FOR SHAMELESS PLUG)feel free to like me here.

As for Twitter, so far I think my handle there will stay the same.(Follow MsPhoebeJane)

All in a all not a bad start for 2012. My benchmarks are in place and I am ready to tackle my literary goals head on despite the social expectation of failure.

Happy 2012!


1 comment:

Deejay said...

Happy new Year! New Years Resolutions seem to turn into a "to do list" for the first week of January for most people.

As for dieting and weight loss; that seems to be one resolution many folk share at the start of a New Year, probably something to do with the season just gone and over doing it at least some. Weight loss to be maintained and to not effect our health negatively, both physically and/or emotionally or mental health has to be workable without making us miserable or without us not being able to think of anything but food because we feel so hungry. A lifestyle change, a new way of looking at food, is probably the best answer to the weight, rather than trying to limit our calorie intake which leaves us not only hungry but malnourished.

I too am a writer and suffer chronic illness, (multi-system failure through porphyria) which is how I happened upon your site I wish you a happy and fruitful 2012