Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Morning

I went to grab a pen out of the pen holder on my desk and wondered why I had this horrid pen. Being a writer, or maybe just weird, I am very picky when it comes to my pens. A closer examination proves that all my pens, purchased on my own time from Office Depot have been removed and crappy pens put in their place.

When I tried to return these pens to the supply cabinet I found a possible motive as there were NO BLUE PENS.

This is the legal department for a Fortune 500 company and we have no pens...


This is just the icing on the cake of things bothering me today. Here are a couple more little idiosyncrasies my coworkers should be aware about me.

1. Please let me put my purse down before you start harassing me in the morning. Unless you're my boss, who would never bombard me when I first walk in then let me at least get my cube lights on before making demands.

2. If you're asking me about something so pointless and stupid then in addition to my first request please be sure to allow me ample time to get my morning coffee. Caffeine will allow me the ability to better handle your stupidity.

3. Leave my desk and all other items on my desk alone. This is why it is called my desk.

4. Don't drag me into your he said/she said office drama. I don't mind listening to someone vent or hearing the latest office gossip. However, make no attempts to pull me into your politics and think you can use me as a pawn in your little games. Note: yes, I know and yes I will retreat to my cube where you will not hear from me at all for the rest of the week.

Is this really too much to ask? Am I really that strange ?


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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