Friday, May 20, 2011

Hawaii, Meet the Authors, Finals & More

Yes, I have been one busy creative person. Travelled to Hawaii which I absolutely loved, finished some finals, ended the semester, went to my first "Meet the Author" event and I'm scheduled to go to another tomorrow.

Pictures are coming. This I am so serious about. So not like the weight loss update that never came into frutition. However, I did take a break from my diet because "Hello, it's Hawaii" I could not go without eating some macadamia nut covered chocolate.

I have been so inspired lately and really trying to stay positive. I started a new short story and plan on having the collection completed before the end of summer. No classes this summer. I could not afford the price tag of $758 per class. As such, I figured this may be God's way of telling me to slow down and take a break. My plan is to get in some heavy reading and writing! I am also hoping to also start gearing up for the GMAT, because I have worked too hard not to be able to work towards my Masters.

Currently reading Rob Bell's Love Wins, Jen Lancaster's If you Were Here, and will also be reading Dean Koontz's What the Night Knows as I will be headed to his discussion and book signing tomorrow.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a part of is jealous, not shame in saying it. -osc