Thursday, September 17, 2009

Traffic & Such

I HATE traffic! Having lived in southern California for years (especially in LA County) I have come to know that traffic is as inevitable as superficial people, smog, and wildfires. Howevver, knowing this does not decrease my level of frustration for all these, least of all traffic. Everytime I'm sittting in traffic, I see the time moving by on the clock and I feel like I am wasting my life away. For example, I left work at 4:20 pm. My boyfriend lives 10 minutes away via freeway. All this in mind, it took me 30 minutes to get to his house.


I usually go to his place everday. Do the math and that comes out to 2 hours and 30 minutes a week! Which is 10 hours a month or 120 hours a year!! Thats not even counting the extra time spent in traffic when I leave after 5pm!

So, when I'm sitting in traffic I feel like I should be multi-tasking or something so that I am not wasting 120 hours a year. Now, I do not do things like read a paper but there have been instances where I think up new story ideas or blog entries such as this one. Today, I figured out how to select multi-media messages on my new phone.

Its time such as these when I think of Peter Griffin from Family Guy. He made a little song that went something like this:

"They should make a tube that sends you straight to work. It would be really cool but that'll be alot of tubes."

Maybe he was onto something with that whole tube idea...

~Posted From My Samsung Jack

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