Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama, Kanye, and Who Cares

Top News Story of Today: Audio recording of President Obama calling Kanye West a "jackass"

Really? This is the best that the news corporations could come up with as far as news is concerned?

Granted Kanye did something very disrespectful. He apologized all over the place even calling the girl to apologize. Taylor Swift accepted. That should be the end of the story.

But nooooooooooo.

Now we have to hear about how the President made some comments about the situation and so on and so forth.

Did people forget there's a nation-wide health care plan that is currently up for debate? Or that murders are being committed everyday in various parts of the world, that children are dying of AIDS, unemployment rates are still at an all time high, and that there are American soldiers in Afganistan and Iraq?

I guess I'm one of the few who thinks about these "petty" issues.

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