Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Glance So Bitter it Shattered the Mirror

I had to deal with my mother visiting last Saturday. That was so stressful. One of the things she loves to complain about is my weight. As if I don't notice those disappointing looks, she actually made comments to my sister about how I've gained so much weight and how I need to do something about myself.


I am fully aware of my weight gain and I am working to do something about it. My mother insists I cut out all carbs and I think Why? So I can be as grumpy as you are when you stop eating carbs? Then she makes all types of other comments and suggestions. The thing that my mom fails to remember is that I have gained the weight and subsequently lost the weight in the past. It's just a matter of me battling with myself to figure out if I should operate in the same way as I had in the past.

No, I did not have an eating disorder. No vomiting, or pills or starving myself in the sense of no food. However, I did severely cut my calories. Deep inside I know this will be the key to my success in dropping the pounds I need to fit into my favorite jeans.

Yes, that is my goal.

There is no magic number on the scale that will make me jump with joy. Nothing will make me feel more at ease with my body then to be able to COMFORTABLY fit into my favorite jeans, and the assortment of jeans in that same size.

So, today is a new day. I'm starting and I am seriously trying to lose the weight. Beginning last night, when I was on the treadmill for 30 minutes straight. Here is my meal breakdown so far:


1 Yoplait Light Yogurt 100 cals
1 Black Coffee with Splenda 15 cals

Then maybe I won't have to pick up these glass shards.


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