Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Morning Weigh In, Dukan & Admin Professionals Day

This morning I weighed myself with the same scale I used to weigh my self at the start of this diet. I have to weigh myself every day and keep track of any changes. Although I will not be sharing the starting number I will be tracking the amount of weight gain and weight loss.

Today I have lost .3 lbs.

I know that's not alot but its better than gaining. I am hoping that tomorrow will show even bigger results.

Today has not been easy but I have been sticking with the program so far. In celbration of Administrative Professionals day there was a luncheon held for all Admin. The menu consisted of pasta, spinich salad, gelato etc. Read: nothing Phoebe can eat. This could have spelt disaster for me but I ate before the luncheon. Vanilla Greek nonfat yogurt with my allowed oat bran, 1 boiled egg and some water. Once I was in the luncheon I heated up a salmon fillet and had that while everyone ate lasagna.

Back at my desk and food was released from another meeting. Grilled chicken. Another day of chicken but I'm not complaining. I have been sticking to the plan and I'm not even hungry which has always been my greatest concern when it comes to diets.

More of an update to come...


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